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Adult Transition Program

Adult Transition Program. Find more information below.

Use this page to find out more about the services and supports that are offered to young adult students with disabilities through this program.


DNUSD offers an Adult Transition Program (ATP) for young adult students with disabilities aged 18-22 years of age.  Eligibility for the program is determined through the IEP process.  The program provides instruction and training in age-appropriate environments to help facilitate a seamless transition to adult life after public school, as per the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) 2004 Sec. 300.43 Transition Services.

ATP is a community-based program.  The program is staffed by a licensed teacher, as well as instructional assistants.  Designated Instructional Services (DIS), such as speech and language, behavior services, and physical therapy, are provided as indicated in each student’s IEP.  

A person-centered approach is used to identify the strengths, needs, interests, and preferences of each individual student.  Instructional domains include the following:

  • Independent Living
  • Employment/Vocational 
  • Recreation/Leisure
  • Social
  • Self-determination/Self-advocacy
  • Connections to Adult Services


If you are interested in this program or need more information, please call or email Mercedes Wheeler at (707) 464-0231 or

Staff Directory

Mercedes Wheeler

Adult Transition Program
Adult Transition Program, Special Education