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Sophomore Year


It is important for your sophomore year to continue with the momentum and success you have had your Freshman year. This year will start to prepare you for taking the SATs, work on your academic resume, and continue exploration into potential career pathways.




Focus on maintaining your G.P.A. at a 3.0 or above as academics are still important on your pathway to college. This year you will want to take the PSAT in order to determine your strengths and weaknesses for when you actually take the SAT and ACT, which colleges use as part of the application process.


Resume getting involved in extracurricular activities such as continuing with any previous sports, volunteering, clubs, and community-based activities or looking into new ones to explore. Summer internships are also a great way to get involved and explore future career interests. Take this as an opportunity to have new experiences that can be used when you apply for colleges and scholarships.


Continue to explore future career options and resume reviewing resources such as California College and Career Zone, College Board, and College Fund to look at all the different jobs that are out there. Utilize resources such as your school counselors, teachers, community members, and RCICP staff for your career. This is the time to really focus on learning about colleges and what appeals to you, such as majors, size, location, cost, and extracurricular activities.