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Attendance page. Learn more about the importance of school attendance below.

Use this page to learn more about attendance, absenteeism, and truancy. Find out more about how students, schools and families can work together to improve attendance. Use the tabs below to navigate through our Attendance guide.



Attendance at DNUSD

There is a significant link between student attendance and academic performance. Research indicates that students who attend school daily have much higher pass rates on state tests in reading and math compared to those who attend less than 85% of the time. Increased attendance leads to better achievement for all students.

State law mandates school attendance. According to the California Education Code section 48200, every child aged 6 to 18 must attend school every day and be on time unless there is a valid reason for the absence. Acceptable excuses for absences include illness, medical appointments, and family funerals. Attendance at religious retreats is limited to four (4) hours per school semester. Absences for reasons such as babysitting, accompanying parents on errands, and attending sporting events or concerts are considered unexcused. Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring their child attends school and must inform the school of the reason for any absence.

Attendance Guide