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TK/K Registration

Use this page to learn more about enrolling your child in Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten in Del Norte County Schools.



TK/K Enrollment Process

Start Here: Pick Up & Submit a Registration Packet

  1. Pick up a paper registration packet from your home school site or the District Office.
  2. Fill out the forms
  3. Return the packet to your home school or District Office.
  4. Enrollment is complete once you submit your registration packet.

You cannot apply for an Intradistrict Transfer (IDT) until you have registered your child at their home school by IDT lottery deadline dates. Click here for IDT information.

Need More Help? Questions? Contact Us

Curriculum & Instruction

  • Contact: Leslee Machado, Director of C&I
  • Address: 301 W. Washington Blvd., Crescent City, CA
  • Phone: (707) 464-0241
  • Hours: Monday–Friday | 8 AM to 4 PM


Your Neighborhood School Site

  • Call or visit the front office; staff can provide packets and answer questions about TK or Kindergarten enrollment.

How are TK classrooms different from preschool and kindergarten?

TK classrooms are like preschool classrooms in that they have centers for art, hands-on areas for math and science, as well as a rug for “circle time” reading and language activities.

TK has its own curriculum designed around preschool standards and frameworks. Since TK is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten, the first half of the school year has a focus on developing social and emotional skills in a language-rich environment. TK teachers, who receive specialized training and coursework to teach TK, provide activities that promote small-muscle and large-muscle development in addition to pre-academics so that children are fully prepared to learn reading, writing, math, science, and social science.

Kindergarten teachers use circle time for language activities as well, but kindergarten standards are much more rigorous and require a greater focus on academics, which include more paper/pencil activities than occur in TK or preschool.

Mission Statement

It is our goal to provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities so that children have the social, emotional, and academic skills necessary to be successful in school. Parents partnering with educators will provide a solid foundation for a high-quality, positive educational experience.