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Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)

Use this page to learn more about The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI),  Targeted Support and Improvement  (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) in California schools.




The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI). These are schools that have been determined by the State of California to be eligible for additional support and assistance due to challenges in academic achievement and other key areas of growth. To improve student outcomes at (CSI-eligible schools), LEAs are provided with additional funding that is to be used to support these schools in their efforts to address the areas that indicate performance challenges.    

Local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools meeting the criteria for CSI must partner with stakeholders to develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes locally. In Del Norte Unified School District (DNUSD), this means having a dedicated team of district staff work with site teams of stakeholders to develop and implement plans for improvement.

School Eligibility Criteria for CSI

The State of California uses the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) to determine school eligibility for CSI. School eligibility is based on the following two categories of schools.

  1. Low graduation rate:

    • High schools with a graduation rate of less than 67 percent averaged over two years (Based on the 2018 Dashboard)
    • High schools with a graduation rate of less than 68 percent averaged over two years (Beginning with 2019 Dashboard; Adopted by the State Board of Education on September 11, 2019)

      2.  Not less than the lowest-performing five percent of Title I schools:

    • Schools with all red indicators
    • Schools with all red but one indicator of another color
    • Schools with all red and orange indicators
    • Schools with five or more indicators where the majority are red

CA Department of Education: Comprehensive Support and Improvement This link contains descriptions of regulations and terminology, status determinations, requirements, and resources available to schools determined to be eligible for CSI. 

The following DNUSD schools currently meet the criteria for CSI eligibility.  Click on the links to view their Dashboards.



TARGETED SUPPORT & IMPROVEMENT (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) also requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for targeted support and improvement (TSI) and additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI).

Schools with one or more student groups that, for two consecutive years, meet the same criteria for the lowest-performing 5 percent of Title I schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) are eligible for TSI. Schools are eligible for TSI for the first time in 2020–21 and the identification process will occur annually.

Schools are eligible for ATSI if they are among schools eligible for TSI and if any student group at the school, on its own, meets the criteria for the lowest-performing 5 percent of Title I schools for CSI. Schools are eligible for ATSI once every three years. California determined ATSI eligibility for the first time in 2018–19

Schools that meet the criteria for TSI or ATSI must partner with stakeholders to develop and implement a school-level plan to improve student outcomes.

The California Department of Education (CDE) will use the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) to determine school eligibility for TSI and ATSI. Title I and non-Title I schools are eligible for TSI and ATSI.