ELD Master Plan
English Learning Development (ELD)
Del Norte County Unified School District Master Plan for English Learners (2022)
The primary purpose of the Del Norte Unified School District English Learner Master Plan is to provide a clear statement of policies related to the development, implementation, and evaluation of English learner programs and services. The Master Plan provides specific procedural guidelines for the identification, assessment, and placement of students; the reclassification of students; the notification and involvement of parents; the formation and functioning of the District English Learner Advisory Committee and the site English Learner Advisory Committees; the annual evaluation of English learner programs; and the use of state and federal funds for EL programs and services.
All district staff are accountable for ensuring that programs for English learners are optimally effective and are expected to follow the procedures specified in this plan.
Below is a link to the current EL Master Plan draft document:
The plan was initially drafted by EL Program Coordinator Luis Pelayo-Zepeda, with input from members of school ELAC committees and the District DELAC committee. It was presented for review to DELAC on 2/28/22 and is planned for DELAC approval on 3/22/22. Once finalized, the Plan will be presented to the Board of Education for formal approval at a regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting on April 21, 2022.