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Homeless Youth Services

Homeless Youth Services | Resources

Homeless Youth Services. Learn more below about how this department services students within our district


You can use this page to find more information about our Homeless Youth Services Program and get access to resources provided through this department. 



Referral Form for Homeless Youth Services

Referral for program eligibility as well as for ongoing needs.
Programs include CWS, Probation, Tribal Foster, and McKinney-Vento/Homeless.

EPIC Student Support Services Referral Form

DNUSD Homeless Education Program

Our Homeless Youth Program students are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education provided to non-homeless students.  Schools are required to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students.  Many homeless families in Del Norte County do not realize they are considered homeless. The McKinney Vento Program serves students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Students may qualify if they live:

  • In a shelter (family, domestic violence, or transitional living program)
  • In a motel or hotel
  • In a house or apartment with more than one family due to economic hardship (doubled-up)
  • In an abandoned building, car, campground, parks, or public spaces
  • With friends or family because the student is a runaway or unaccompanied minor
  • Couch-surfing 
  • In substandard housing (without electricity, water, or heat)

Students eligible for the program can:

  • Continue to attend the school where they were last enrolled, even if they have moved away from the school zone
  • Automatically qualify for free and reduced-price lunches
  • Participate fully in all school activities and programs that they are eligible for
  • Receive transportation to and from their residence to their school of origin 

In order to enroll or attend school, if the student lives under any of these conditions, you do NOT need to provide: 

  • Proof of residency 
  • Immunization record
  • School records 
  • Legal Guardianship papers 

If any of these apply, please contact the Homeless Youth Services office at 707-464-0722 or contact your child's school office for more information.

If you feel you or a student qualifies for the Homeless Program or needs services or support, please fill out this Referral Form; it will be sent to the program coordinator. The student/ student's family will be contacted to determine needs and eligibility, and if eligibility is confirmed, the program director will add the student to the program. 

Staff Directory

Pamela Wilder

Director of Homeless and Foster Youth Services
Homeless Youth Services, Foster Youth Services
School 1: 707-464-0722

Margarita Silos

Administrative Assistant II
Title VI, Homeless Youth Services, Foster Youth Services

Jennifer Velasco

Program Coordinator - Homeless Youth Services
Homeless Youth Services
School 1: 707-464-0722