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Independent Study Program

Long-Term Independent Study. Learn more below about how this program serves students in our district.


You can use this page to learn more about Del Norte Unified School District's Independent Study program.




Important Announcement: Changes to DNUSD Independent Study Program

Effective for the 2024/2025 School Year, the DNUSD Independent Study Program will no longer serve students in grades K through 5. We are transitioning to exclusively serve students in grades 6 through 12. We remain committed to providing exceptional education to our older students and are available to assist affected families in finding alternative options for younger children. Thank you for your understanding.

LTIS Onboarding Calendar

Do you need to set up a meeting for LTIS Onboarding? Please use the link below to find the LTIS Onboarding Calendar.

LTIS Onboarding Calendar


To fill out the Independent Study Interest Form or find more information on our Independent Study Program, click the links above.



As an alternative to in-person schooling, parents will be offered the opportunity to register their kids for our independent study program, there is limited enrollment, and families will work with their student's home-school principal to determine eligibility.

Our independent study program has been completely overhauled! In our new program, students will interact with their teacher and have access to educational support while completing their school work from home.