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Workability I (WAI) and Transition Partnership Program (TPP)

Workability I and Transitional Partnership Program. Learn more below.


You can use this page to learn more about our Workability I and TPP programs here at DNUSD.



WorkAbility I Program (WAI) & Transition Partnership Program (TPP)

Interested in services, click here or call 707-464-0281


Two vocational programs are available for eligible high school students district-wide through Del Norte County Unified School District (DNUSD) and Del Norte County Office of Education (DNCOE).

WorkAbility I (WAI) and Transition Partnership Program (TPP).

Both of our programs' overall purpose is to prepare students enrolled in our services for future competitive integrated employment and participate in paid or unpaid, supervised work experiences. By participating in work experiences, students will gain valuable job-related skills and work ethics necessary for future meaningful employment while bolstering their resumes and helping guide them to their future careers. Eligible students will be assisted to focus on the big question, “What comes after high school?”

Our Job Placement Specialists will support and evaluate your student's abilities and interests throughout the school year; advising students about specific career pathways and what skills or requirements may be required to pursue that field. We look forward to working with your student(s) in our programs. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 707-464-0281. “Our commitment to your student's future employment opportunities starts now!”

TPP/WAI List of Potential Business Placements. Click here for the list


Eligibility and information for the WorkAbility I (WAI) Program

WorkAbility I (WAI) offers students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), who are enrolled in a DNUSD/DNCOE High School in grades 9-12+, the opportunity to complete their high school education while obtaining marketable job skills. WorkAbility I provides students with job-seeking & job-keeping skills. Students' employability improves through occupational class training, work-based learning experiences, and paid or unpaid work experiences.

To be considered eligible for WorkAbility I (WAI) services, a student must be 14-21 years old, enrolled in a DNUSD/DNCOE high school and have a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP). 

Express Joes: WorkAbility I Student Run Enterprise

Express Joes is a work-based learning experience located on the Del Norte High School campus. Students can learn a variety of real work experiences through this Student Run Enterprise; Ordering, cashiering, drink prep/mixing, delivery, time management, food handling/safety, hygiene, and customer service. Coffee drinks, tea, and snacks are available for purchase for staff members only. All proceeds earned through the Student Run Enterprise directly benefit the students and help the work-based program by replenishing supplies. 


Click HERE for our Menu

Click HERE to order a drink and support our students! (Staff of DNUSD/DNCOE only

The WorkAbility l program is administered by the California Department of Education in partnership with DNUSD/DNCOE.


Eligibility and information for the Department of Rehabilitation’s (DOR) Transition Partnership Program (TPP)

The Transition Partnership Program is administered by the Department of Rehabilitation in partnership with DNCUSD/DNCOE. TPP serves eligible (students who have a physical or mental health barrier or disability) or potentially eligible students 16-21 years of age who are enrolled in a high school within DNCUSD/DNCOE. Please see the chart below to see ways students may be eligible or call our office and speak with one of our program staff.
DOR’s TPP Program is centered around 5 new and expanded services for eligible students.

Job Exploration Counseling includes career assessments where students can learn about local career pathways, understand jobs and industries that are “in demand”, and explore self-employment opportunities, supported employment, and non-traditional jobs.

Workplace Readiness Training includes practicing interviewing skills, strengthening students' communication and social skills needed for work, understanding employer expectations, transportation training and resources, money management, soft skills, hard skills, resume building, grooming/hygiene, time management, and how to search and apply for jobs.

Work-Based Learning offers paid or unpaid work experience, apprenticeships (informal), job shadowing, workplace tours, informational interviews, mentoring opportunities, and on-the-job training.

Instruction in Self-Advocacy is understanding students' workplace rights and responsibilities, how to request accommodations and supports if needed, and practicing communicating thoughts, needs, and concerns in the workplace, positive self talk, self-awareness, and utilizing available resources and support systems. 

Post-Secondary Counseling allows students to discover the classes or credentials needed for students desired careers and what schools offer those programs to meet those requirements. Post Secondary Counseling also identifies opportunities to pay for school, receive support in completing financial aid applications (FAFSA) as well as identify resources and support services for school success. 

It is important to note, that TPP participants have the opportunity to apply for continued services after graduation through the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) adult services. More information about DOR adult services can be found at

Department of Rehabilitation


Potentially Eligible Qualifiers

TPP is not limited to the barriers listed below. Please reach out to our office to speak with one of our Job Placement Specialists to speak about your student's needs and how they may qualify for services 707-464-0281

Academic Barriers:

  • Memory
  • Comprehension
  • Reading, Writing & Math
  • Paying Attention/ADHD
  • Focus
  • Learning Disability
  • & More


Physical Health:

  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Seizure Conditions
  • Heart Conditions
  • Medications
  • Orthotic Issues
  • Hearing/Vision
  • Substance Abuse
  • Immune System
  • & More

Social & Emotional Health:

  • Depression or Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Abuse
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD
  • Bipolar
  • Counseling
  • & More


Department of Rehabilitation General Services Information


Business Tax Incentive

Businesses can benefit from programs that encourage the recruitment and hiring of people with disabilities. Hiring an individual with a disability is an opportunity. Employees with disabilities have unique experiences and understanding that can transform products and services. Several tax incentives are available for business owners who hire people with disabilities, including the Work Opportunity Tax Credit available from the IRS.  *This information is provided by the informational video above created by the Department of Rehabilitation.

Please call us at 707-464-0281 if you are interested in being a local business partner to help students gain valuable work-based learning experiences.



Click the image below do visit  link image


Staff Directory

Jennifer Daniels

Program Supervisor
Special Education, TPP/Workability

Janet Bigham

Job Placement Specialist
School 1: 707-464-0281

Megan Lambson

Job Placement Specialist

Kylee Moodie

Job Placement Specialist

Tyler Murphy Everitt

Job Placement Specialist