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Transportation Department Page. Learn more about this department below


You can use this page to learn more about the Transportation Department. You can also find information on school bus routes, school bus safety, field trips, and more.



Bus Service Application 

In order to be eligible to receive bus services for the school year, families are required to complete the Bus Service Application form:

Click here for the Bus Service Application

Del Norte Unified School District Transportation Department provides home-to-school transportation to students who reside within the board-approved busing guidelines, as well as transportation for field trips. DNUSD also recognizes the important role buses play in saving lives and reducing emissions.

To find your student's school bus stop, click the link below, contact your child's school of attendance, or the Transportation Department at (707) 464-0250.  There may be several buses picking up students in the same area. We recommend that before school starts, you and your student visit the assigned bus stop and know the time the bus should arrive and the bus number.  Be sure your student knows the safest way to the school bus stop and arrives at the stop 5 minutes early, but no earlier.

Your student should know the number of his/her bus. There are times when your student may have a different driver or bus, due to maintenance or substitute needs.

DNUSD is now offering BusQuest in Google Play or the App Store.  


view student information, submit transportation request, track student bus


Mary Peacock - No general ed bus stops. If you have a special education student that needs to be picked up, please call transportation.

Bus Routes

Staff Directory

Christopher Armington

Director of Transportation