Bus Safety Rules
California Bus Laws: When Is it Safe to Pass a School Bus?
California's special stop law is designed to keep children safe as they get on and off the bus. Across the nation, 19 school-aged children, on average, are killed getting on or off the school bus each year, according to a report by Stanford Children's Health. According to California law, drivers must stop when a school bus stops in front of them and extends its stop sign with flashing lights.
In California, the fine for passing a school bus can be up to $600, according to the California Highway Patrol. Bus drivers are able to file reports against drivers who pass the school bus within 24 hours of the incident.
When on a two-lane road without a median, traffic on both sides of the road must stop.
When on a two-lane road with a center turn lane, traffic on both sides of the road must stop.
Cars can pass the school bus after the stop sign is no longer out, the school bus has begun driving or the bus driver signals you can pass.
When there are four lanes, the side of traffic without a stopped school bus can continue driving, preferably cautiously.
When there is a raised divider, like a median in between the different directions of traffic, the side of the road without a stopped school bus can continue driving, preferably cautiously.
Cars on a two-lane road with a median also do not have to stop if the bus is stopped on the other side of the road.
Concern for the safety of students is spreading nationwide and it’s imperative that you take time to spread the word to your friends, families, neighbors, and followers.