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Employee Information

Click on any of the links below to learn about a variety of employment information resources available to classified staff.



Employee Information and Documentation

Bargaining Agreement

All union-represented classified staff operate under a collective bargaining contract.

Benefits & Retirement

Information on health, vision, dental, and life insurance plans provided to eligible classified employees.

Job Descriptions

A job description is a useful, plain-language tool that explains the tasks, duties, functions, and responsibilities of a position.

Labor Negotiations

A collective bargaining unit is a group that negotiates compensation and benefits for employees with the District and County Office of Education. As the negotiations progress throughout the year, updates are posted.

Personnel Commission

The Office of the Personnel Commission's functions include job classification and compensation, recruitment and assessment, and adjudication of disciplinary and examination appeals. These functions are performed under the authority and oversight of a three-member Personnel Commission.

Salary Schedules  

A salary schedule (also known as a pay scale) is a system that determines how much an employee is to be paid as a wage or salary, based on one or more factors such as the employee's level, rank, or status within the employer's organization, and the length of time that the employee has been employed.

Work Calendars

Classified staff report to work based on their work calendar. There are a variety of work calendars depending on the work assignment an employee holds. If you are unsure which one to use, please ask your direct supervisor.

Employment Portals

Employee Benefits Portal: Frontline

Create an account and log in to review information on your payroll, leave balances, health insurance plan, contact information, and tax status.

Absence Management: Frontline

Subfinder, time-off requests, form submissions.


Access real-time details about your CalPERS account. You can view your health information, plan for retirement, enroll in educational offerings, or schedule appointments.


Your portal to your personal CVT account information for plan enrollment and management. You can make changes to your account, switch medical plans during open enrollment, and acquire your insurance cards.