These are a collection of Business-related resources intended to be used by all staff when the need arises.
Department Resources
Procedure Manual for Business Services
Use this list of forms and resources provided by Business Services.
District Health & Safety Resources
Get access to registered nurses for reporting workplace injuries and finding the right care.
Stay up-to-date with our district's latest COVID-19 guidelines
DNUSD's Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Plan.
Use this document to report an incident or injury at your district site.
Injury & Illness Prevention Plan
To maintain a safe and healthful work environment, the Del Norte Unified School District and Del Norte County Office of Education have developed this Injury & Illness Prevention Program for all employees to follow. Managed by the Business Services Department.
School Site Safety Plans (STaff Only)
Use these tools when building out your school's School Site Safety Plan
Use this form to address and report any safety concerns at school district sites. Managed by the Business Services Department.
Use this tool to report on an incident or accident involving a student.
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Use this to learn more about our Workplace Violence Prevention Program at DNUSD and DNCOE.
Workplace Violence Reporting Form
Use this form to report workplace violence.
This procedure manual is designed for use by organizations such as booster clubs, PTSOs and other Auxiliary groups.
Intradistrict Transfers
Intradistrict Transfer (IDT) Application 2025-26: English
Intradistrict TRANSFER (IDT) Application 2025-26: Spanish
Our Intradistrict Enrollment Policy provides parents with some degree of choice about the school they want their children to attend. The policy provides a random, unbiased process to determine which students will be permitted to attend schools outside their attendance zones, called the “Intradistrict Lottery."
Fiscal Resources
Fiscal Services works under Business Services. You can find all of our fiscal forms and documentation by clicking the button below.