Curriculum & Instruction
This is a collection of Curriculum & Instruction-related resources. You can also find various resources below that are managed by various departments across the district and intended to be used by all staff when the need arises. They have been grouped together for convenience.
K-8 Academic Planner
Getting ready for the school year? Use our K-8 Academic Planner, which is designed to support K-8 educators in our district. This all-in-one resource, created by our Curriculum and Instruction Department, streamlines the process of curriculum planning, student assessments, grading timelines, PLCs, and more. Click the button below.
Department Resources
Curriculum & Instruction Resources
American Indian Education Curriculum
Find curriculum and resources from our American Indian Education Services department.
California Department of Education
The California Department of Education helps schools ensure that all students meet the standards.
Request an App or Digital Service
Because student privacy is so important, the Technology Department has curated a list of all digital resources approved for classroom use. Classrooms should not use any digital resources that are not on this list. If you are unable to find an item, you can request that it be added here.
Student Assesments
The summative California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English language arts/literacy (ELA), mathematics, and science are administered to eligible students using the secure browser and test delivery system. The CAAs are for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and whose individualized education program (IEP) team has designated the use of an alternate assessment on statewide summative assessments.
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) website serves as the portal for resources that a local educational agency (LEA) will need to administer the ELPAC and the Alternate ELPAC.
You can use this document to find information on physical fitness testing at Del Norte County Schools, including standards, testing guides, and training videos.
Professional Development
Instructure- Professional Development
DNUSD's professional learning portal. Find training in IReady, SIPPS, state testing standards, and more.
Professional Learning Catalog - Certificated
Use this calendar to keep track of upcoming Professional Development opportunities.
Certificated Professional Development
Here you can find Professional Development information and resources for Certificated Staff.
Staff Directory
Leslee Machado
Lara Hirt