Benefits: Certificated Management
Certificated Management Premium Rates
A list of insurance premium rates for certificated management. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Certificated Management Dental
Dental insurance plan for certificated management. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Certificated Management Vision
Vision insurance for certified management. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Benefits: Classified Management
Classified Management Premium Rates
A list of insurance premium rates for certificated management. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Certificated, Charter Certificated, Certificated Management, Classified Management Health Plans: Part I
Certificated, Charter Certificated, Certificated Management, Classified Management Health Plans: Part II
Information on health plans available to management and certificated staff. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Benefits: Certificated Employees
Certificated Premium Rates
A list of insurance premium rates for certificated employees. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Castle Rock Certificated Premium Rates
A list of insurance premium rates for Castle Rock certificated staff. Managed by Fiscal Services.
CVT Enrollment Packet
Use this form to enroll in Health/Dental/Vision/Life Insurance.
Met Life Enrollment Form
Use this form to enroll in Life Insurance.
Benefits: Classified Employees
Classified Premium Rates
A list of insurance premium rates for classified employees. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Classified Vision
Vision insurance for classified employees. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Classified Dental
Dental insurance plan for classified employees. Managed by Fiscal Services.
Certificated and Management: CVT Open Enrollment for HDHP Plan Webinar
To watch the webinar, please click the link below:
HDHP Plan Webinar
CVT HDHP Slideshow Presentation:
HDHP Presentation
Del Norte SD's Health Savings Account Slideshow:
Health Savings Account Slideshow:
Certificated: CVT Enrollment Webinar
CVT Enrollment Webinar
Health and Welfare Webinar
Interested in what may be happening with teachers' and administrators' healthcare plans? We are exploring the possibility of switching providers in order to acquire better healthcare at a better price.
Health & Welfare Webinar