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Homeless Youth Services

These resources are a collection of Homeless Youth Services-related resources intended to be used by all staff when the need arises.


Department Resources

AB 108 Credit Waiver

Provides eligible foster youth and homeless students with a credit waiver to meet graduation requirements under AB 108.

ACT Fee Waiver

Eligible students can receive a fee waiver for the ACT exam, making college testing more accessible.

Enrolling Unaccompanied Students

Guidelines and resources to assist schools in enrolling unaccompanied students, ensuring their educational rights are upheld.

Financial Aid Tool 2024-25

A tool for students to explore and apply for financial aid opportunities for the 2023-24 school year.

Foster and Homeless Training

Training resource to support staff in working with foster and homeless youth at DNUSD.

Higher Education Informational

Information on resources, options, and support for foster and homeless youth pursuing higher education.

Housing Questionnaire - English

Form to assess housing situations, ensuring students experiencing housing instability receive appropriate support (English version).

Housing Questionnaire - Hmong

Form to assess housing situations, ensuring students experiencing housing instability receive appropriate support (Hmong version).

Housing Questionnaire - Spanish

Form to assess housing situations, ensuring students experiencing housing instability receive appropriate support (Spanish version).

Identification & Needs Form

Document to identify the needs of foster or homeless students and provide necessary educational support.

Identifying Eligible Students

Guide to help schools identify students eligible for services under foster and homeless youth programs.

MVP Informational

Information regarding McKinney-Vento Program (MVP) services, supporting homeless students' education and stability.

School Lunch Fact Sheet

Details on free or reduced-price school meals available to eligible students, ensuring access to nutritious food.

Learning Links & Videos

Staff Directory

Pamela Wilder

Director of Homeless and Foster Youth Services
Homeless Youth Services, Foster Youth Services
School 1: 707-464-0722

Margarita Silos

Administrative Assistant II
Title VI, Homeless Youth Services, Foster Youth Services

Jennifer Velasco

Program Coordinator - Homeless Youth Services
Homeless Youth Services
School 1: 707-464-0722